The Vice-Chair’s Priorities and NPC Accomplishments (August 2017 to February 2018) Download in PDF Version

  Priorities   Activities
1 NPC Overhaul   1 Executive Order: Gathan tatha Karyasanchalan Aadesh 2074 for a reformed “National Policy and Planning Commission” drafted and submitted to Cabinet, concluding a three-year process of consultative institutional reform
2 National Development Volunteer Service (NDVS): New regulations finalized, selection process revamped and over 600 volunteers deployed (based on merit); Report on volunteer schemes under federalism prepared; Two additional volunteer programs (drafts) conceived for post-high school and post-Master’s graduates in local governments
3 NPC premises: New building secured and aesthetic environment improved (physical and virtual); First electric vehicle procured with Government’s own resources (to make a policy statement on clean growth)
2 Long-term Development Vision 4 Nepal’s Sustainable Development Goals: Status and Roadmap, 2016-2030 prepared and launched
5 Envisioning Nepal 2030: Contributions to a Policy Framework drafted
6 LDC Graduation Policy Paper prepared and official country position presented at the United Nations Committee for Development Policy (CDP) in New York (Feb 1-2, 2018)
3 Economic Reforms 7 Budget and Resource Committee: Federal budget ceiling prepared for 2018 through formal convening of the Resource Committee; Medium-term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) re-started
8 Policy roundtable series organized on six topics (Foreign Direct Investment; Forests and development tradeoff; Operation modality of new airports; Contractual management of urban infrastructure projects; Fate of the Cotton Development Board; Local-level planning
9 Public-Private Partnership (PPP): Role of Investment Board of Nepal and PPP Center clarified in the PPP Act; PPP Resource Book and PPP policy for local governments drafted
10 Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF): Chaired a commission to propose a new design of PAF; Comprehensive Impact Evaluation of PAF undertaken by NPC
4 Infrastructure     11 Projects of National Pride (PNP): Facilitation of Arun III and Upper Karnali hydropower projects (deadlines extended); Monitoring of Kathmandu-Terai Expressway; Next steps cleared on the Second International Airport; Expediting of Melamchi Drinking Water Project; Active coordination of four large irrigation projects; High-level Report published on Suggested Reforms for the Management of Projects of National Pride 
12 Budhi Gandaki investment framework: Led high-level committee (formed by the Cabinet) to prepare domestic financing framework for the 1200 megawatt Budhi Gandaki storage hydropower project
13 Sino/Indo projects: Pipeline of flagship India-supported projects reflected in the August 2017 Joint Statement; and discussions advanced on China’s Belt and Road Initiative, including elements of a potential (Early Harvest) Preferential Trade Agreement
14 Institutional coordination to nudge progress on Upper Trishuli 3A financing; MCC $500million grant signed (that was kicked off in 2015 by NPC); SEZ coordination of electricity supply in Bhairhawa and related activities; Report prepared on the conflict between reservoir projects and road infrastructure; Improved working partnership with IBN; Standard Operating Procedures for project implementation drafted
5 Cooperative Federalism   15 Standards on Integrated Urban Development prepared 
16 Local-level Planning Guidelines prepared and handed over to the Ministry of Local Development; Training manual drafted
17 Formula for Equalization Grant prepared for the budget of 2073/74, and handed over to the Fiscal Commission for 2074/75
18 Web-based visualization of detailed socio-economic data of 3.5 million people in 11 earthquake-affected districts in partnership with Kathmandu Living Labs
19 Regular field visits and interaction with elected representatives on evolving problems (e.g., Janata Aawas program)
6 Evidence-based Policymaking   20 National Development Action Committees (NDAC): 40th and 41st NDAC summits held successfully, chaired by the Prime Minister, and attended by an expanded Cabinet plus all Secretaries (Government’s top M&E mechanism) 
21 Multidimensional Poverty Report 2018 prepared and launched in partnership with the University of Oxford, with Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) disaggregated at the provincial level
22 Post Flood Recovery Needs Assessment (PFRNA) prepared and launched; Policy package announced by the Cabinet and a special cell created at the National Reconstruction Authority
23 Central Bureau of Statistics: New economic census launched (2018-2019) and National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) drafted
24 SDGs: UNDP-supported project on the pursuit of SDGs, based at NPC, overhauled for 2018-2020; SDG data portal launched in partnership with Nepal in Data
25 Distinguished panel of eminent persons formed to advise the Vice-Chair
26 Ex-officio advisory and representational roles across dozens of committees [e.g. sub-Cabinet, MoF, IBN, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology]; Constant development dialogue with donors and diplomats, as well as the private sector, NGOs, students, Non-Resident Nepalis, and the Nepal Army; Helped resolve two separate fasts-unto-death by Dr. Govinda KC
7 International Engagements 27 Tenth South Asia Economic Summit successfully organized in Kathmandu, November 14-16, 2017, in partnership with SAWTEE
28 State visits: Core Member of the Prime Minister’s State Visit to India (August 2017);
Represented the Prime Minister at the 3rd Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Myanmar (at the invitation of Aung San Suu Kyi)
29 Policy dialogue with India and China: NPC’s formal relationship with NITI Aayog established for an Annual Policy Summit; Op-ed published in the Indian Express (August 24, 2017) outlining elements of Indo-Nepal cooperation; Outreach to National Development and Reform Commission (China) initiated
30 UN Economic and Social Commission for the Asia-Pacific: Elected Chairman of the Second Ministerial Conference on Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration (RECI) as well as the Fifth Session of the two-yearly Committee on Trade and Investment; Deepened collaboration with ESCAP
31 UN Development Assistance Framework: $600 million program signed between NPC and UN for 5 years (2018-2022) after long negotiations
32 Asian Development Bank and World Bank: High level visit to Manila for meetings with the President; Meetings with WB Vice President and senior officials on the preparation of Country Partnership Framework (2018-2022)
33 High-level participation: 4th World Internet Conference (2017, China); Arctic Conference (2018, Norway)
34 Helped Nepal lead the BIRDS-3 satellite project (Japan)
8 Other Key Initiatives by Members   35 Universalizing Clean Energy in Nepal: Comprehensive technical plan prepared for optimal distributed generation and grid access for all by 2022  in 753 local governments; Funding needs estimated for electricity access for all
36 Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Plan II (2018-2022) launched
37 Cooperative Housing Policy and Guidelines prepared
38 Others: Draft policies prepared on Food Green City and Smart Village; Sustainable Urban Development Index initiated; Social Protection Framework drafted; Technical and Vocational Education and Training Fund (TVET) Framework drafted; Policies approved to combat the worst forms of child labor and occupational health; Contributed to a task force on reducing the trade deficit; River basin-based development initiated; Work on an omnibus act of economic reforms begun