- The Great Upheaval, Cambridge University Press, 2022 (co-edited with K. Wignaraja).
- The Sovereign Debt Crisis in Sri Lanka: Causes, Policy Response and Prospects, UNDP Asia-Pacific, 2022 (with P. Athukorala).
- Graduation of Least Developed Countries (LDCs), UNDP Africa, 2021.
- "Jobs, Investment and the Economic Structure," IIDS, 2020.
- Structural Transformation and Growth: Whither Agriculture in Nepal? in Agricultural Transformation in Nepal, Springer, 2019 (with R. Paudel).
- Nepal’s Trade Performance and Potential with Regional Partners, in Integrating South and East Asia: Economics of Regional Cooperation and Development, Oxford University Press, 2018 (with R. Paudel).
- The Rise of the South and a New Age of South-South Cooperation, in Contemporary Asian Perspectives on South-South Cooperation, edited by Anthea Mulakala, published by The Asia Foundation and Korea Development Institute, 2016 (with A. Mulakala).
- China and India in Post-Disaster Nepal: An Evolving Narrative on South-South Cooperation, in Contemporary Asian Perspectives on South-South Cooperation, edited by Anthea Mulakala, published by The Asia Foundation and Korea Development Institute, 2016.
- Building Resilience and Mitigating Crisis in Least Developed Countries, special contribution in World Disasters Report 2016.
- The First 24 Hours, Economic and Political Weekly (EPW), May 14, 2016.
- Trade Liberalisation and Export Performance in Transition, The World Economy, vol. 37 (12), December 2014 (with P. Athukorala).
- Foreign Direct Investment in Southeast Asia: Is Malaysia Falling Behind? ASEAN Economic Bulletin Vol. 28, No. 2, 2011 (with P. Athukorala).
- Member of a team that authored the book, “Trade Competitiveness Diagnostic Toolkit.” World Bank, 2011.
- Nepal’s Accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO): Study of Issues Relevant to Least Developed Countries. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), April 2011 (with P. Pandey and R. Adhikari).
- Why Asia Needs to Trade Smarter? in Far Eastern Economic Review 169, no. 5, June 2006 (with M. Montes).
- GATS and Water, in Investment, Energy and Environmental Services: Promoting Human Development in WTO Negotiations, co-published by the University of Malaya, 2004.
- Building Social Capital through Civic Engagement, in Reinventing Government for the Twenty-First Century, edited by D. Rondinelli and G.S. Cheema, Kumarian Press, 2003 (with K. Malik).
- Member of a team that authored the book, “Making Global Trade Work for People.” Earthscan, 2002.
- World Bank Social Development Notes on country case studies in participatory budgeting, and citizens’ report cards methodology, World Bank, 2003 (with P. Shah).
- Geographical Indications under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS): Protection Regimes in Asia. Policy Brief, SAWTEE, 2004.
- “Integrating Border Regions: Connectivity and Competitiveness in South Asia,” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 6987, Washington, D.C., July 2014 (with Cali, M., Farole, T. and Kunaka, C.)
- “Investing Across Borders with Heterogeneous Firms: Do FDI-Specific Regulations Matter?” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5914, Washington, D.C., December 2011.
- “Coordinating Tax Reforms in the Poorest Countries: Can Lost Tariff Revenues Be Recouped?” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5919, Washington, D.C., December 2011.
- “Analyzing Trade Competitiveness: A Diagnostics Approach.” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5329, Washington, D.C., June 2010 (with T. Farole and J.G. Reis).
- “Trade Volume, Export Survival and Landlockedness: Gravity-based Applications to Central Asia’s Export Performance.” World Bank, Washington, D.C. August 2011 (with K. Matin).
- “Analyzing Trade Survival: Why Do So Many Exports Die So Early?” World Bank draft. August 2011.
- “100 Years of Oil: Did it Depress Democracy and Sustain Autocracy?” August 2009 (with Y. Horiuchi).
- “Claims and Resources: Civic Engagement at the Macro Level.” Unpublished thesis, Harvard University, 2001.
- “Nepal’s Sustainable Development Goals: Status and Roadmap, 2016-2030,” National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal, 2017 (co-authored).
- “Post Flood Recovery Needs Assessment,” National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal, 2017 (co-authored).
- “Jordan’s Trade Performance and Competitiveness Diagnostics: Analytical Inputs to the Trade Diversification Strategy,” A World Bank policy report submitted to the Royal Government of Jordan, 2016 (with A. Portugal).
- “Post Disaster Needs Assessment of Nepal Earthquake 2015,” National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal, July 2015 (co-authored).
- “How to Sustain Export Dynamism by Reducing Duality in the Dominican Republic?” A World Bank Trade Competitiveness Diagnostic, November 2014 (co-authored).
- “Strengthening Export Performance through Improved Competitiveness in Ethiopia,” World Bank Third Economic Update, June 2014 (with L. C. Moller and M. Geiger).
- “Croatia’s Trade Performance, Competitiveness and Potential: Technical Note for Croatia’s Smart Specialization Strategy”, March 2014 (with D. Taglioni and M. Ferrantino)
- “Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South – Human Progress in a Diverse World.” UNDP New York (co-authored flagship policy report).
- “Investing Across Borders 2010: Indicators of Foreign Direct Investment Regulation in 87 Economies.” The World Bank Group, 2010 (co-authored policy report).
- “Trade Policy and Human Development in Mongolia: Way Forward after a Decade in the WTO.” Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Trade and UNDP, Ulaanbaatar, 2009 (with M. Gibbs).
- “The Great Maze: Regional and Bilateral Free Trade Agreements in Asia.” UNDP Policy Paper, 2005 (with M. Gibbs).
- “International Trade in Textiles and Clothing after the Full Implementation of the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing on January 1, 2005.” UNDP Policy Paper, 2005 (lead author).
- “Trade in Environmental and Energy Services.” UNDP Policy Paper, 2005 (co-authored).
- “Retrospective Study on Participation in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers.” World Bank, Washington, D.C, 2002 (lead author).
- “Sustainable Development Agenda for Nepal 2002-2017.” Government of Nepal, 2002 (co-authored).